The domain of our architectural office is the continuous cooperation between the architect and the constructor. Already at the stage of concept development, structural aspects are taken into account, thanks to which our projects are interesting in terms of architecture and optimised functionally and economically.

We are designers for whom work is passion and art. The needs of each investor are very important to us, which is why we approach each project individually. A wide range of activities results from the way we treat space as a whole, regardless of the scale in which we design. Our interests include architecture, greenery and interiors.


We have a team of professionals in various industries who are our support. Without their help, we would not be able to carry out bold and complex projects.


We believe that relationships with family and friends are the most important in human life. Spending time  in pleasant circumstances positively influences their building and this sets our basic direction in action.

Mont Blanc / Francja 4810 mnpm
12.08.2018 r​.
Gran Paradiso / Włochy 4051 mnpm
07.08.2018 r​.
Kazbek / Gruzja 5033 mnpm
14.08.2017 r​.
Arco / Włochy 05.2017 r.

fot. Karol Nienartowicz

Chile / Argentyna 11.2019 r.